Sveučilište u Zagrebu
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Practical military training - Infantry
Code: 130014
ECTS: 15.0
Lecturers in charge: nasl. pred. Darko Duhović
Lecturers: nasl. pred. Darko Duhović - Project laboratory
Manuel Osoba, . - Project laboratory
Andrej Smolek, struč. spec. cin. - Project laboratory

nasl. pred. Darko Duhović - Laboratory exercises
Manuel Osoba, . - Laboratory exercises
Andrej Smolek, struč. spec. cin. - Laboratory exercises

Manuel Osoba, . - Field exercises
Andrej Smolek, struč. spec. cin. - Field exercises
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


The lecturer is not able to offer courses in English at this time.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Field exercises 36
Project laboratory 36
Laboratory exercises 108
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
The aim of practical military training is to provide direct contact with the military environment for students in the final phase of their studies. The purpose of the subject is to enable quality teaching by means of a partnership between university teachers and military professionals. Through practical training the students will gain new knowledge and skills learning from professional experience which will complement the academic environment. This should be beneficial for students in the process of acquiring practical engineering and military knowledge. Also, they will be better prepared for the job they can expect after finishing the studies and they will be provided opportunities for better individual profiling in the process of gaining specialist knowledge in their final year of academic study. The course promotes closer cooperation between the military system and the academic community. At the same time, the teachers get feedback on the knowledge and skills the employers expect, which has a positive backwash effect on the teaching-learning process. Each student will have his/her own supervisor of the Practical Military Training, an officer or a military specialist from the branch or service of the student s speciality. The supervisor defines the training program and assigns tasks to the student in accordance with the plan. The student is obliged to follow instructions and meet obligations, recording this in his/her work diary. The work diary is the basis for producing the final student s report on the activities conducted. The supervisor will keep notes of the student s progress and records of the activities he/she has successfully completed in accordance with the plan, which should form the basis for suggesting the student s final grade. Upon finishing the practical military training the student has to prepare a report on his/her work and submit it to the supervisor. The report includes the information about the supervisor, the work plan and the specifications of the tasks carried out, the time frame and the work diary. The supervisor verifies the report and recommends the final grade for the student. The student s final thesis advisor is the teacher of the Practical Military Training, who is either a university professor or Vice Dean for teaching of the Faculty which provides practical military training for the particular branch or service. The advisor is obliged to read the student s report and, on the basis of the recommendation given by the supervisor, assign the final grade.
  1. US Army, FM 3-90 Taktika, prijevod GSOSRH, Zagreb; US Army FM 3-90-1 Offense and Defense; FM 3-90-2 Reconnaissance, Secutity and Tactical enabling tasks; 2013
  2. GS OSRH, ZDP-1A, Doktrina OS RH, Zagreb, 2016; 2016
  3. US Army, ATP 3-21.8 The Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad; 2016
  4. Pravilo MB 82 mm, Beograd, 1982.,Tablice gađanja za minobacač 82 mm, Beograd, 1984; 1982
  5. FM 3-22.90 (7-90) taktička uporaba minobacača
  6. Pješačko oružje s nastavom gađanja; 1995
  7. Uputa i programi za gađanje pješačkim oružjem; 2015
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Attended : Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicles and Armament
Attended : Infantry Tactics (Social)
Attended : Infantry Weapons With Fire Conduct
8. semester
Izborni VVU-Pješaštvo-8 - Mandatory course - Infantry
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