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Armoured Fighting Vehicles
Armoured Fighting Vehicles
1. komponenta
Lecture type | Total |
Laboratory exercises |
45 |
Lectures |
75 |
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Introducing students with the construction of combat armored vehicles. Teach students the basic skills of combat armored vehicles crew. Educate students to implement the basic maintenance of armored vehicles in his unit.
- Tenk M-84 Opis, rukovanje, osnovno i tehničko održavanje, knjiga 1.; Tehnička uprava; 1988
- Tenk M-84 Opis, rukovanje, osnovno i tehničko održavanje, knjiga 2.; Tehnička uprava; 1988
- Borbeno vozilo pešadije BVP M-80A, Opis, rukovanje, osnovno i tehničko održavanje; Tehnička uprava; 1989
- Tenkovi i borbena vozila pješaštva; Milorad Dragojević; 1986
- Specifične tehnologije u proizvodnji oružja; Vinko Pavelić; Ministarstvo obrane Republike Hrvatske; 1995
7. semester
Mandatory course