Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Vojni studijski programi
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Physical Training I
Code: 129237
ECTS: 0.0
Lecturers in charge: nasl. v. pred. Marinko Vrkić
Lecturers: nasl. v. pred. Domagoj Bagarić - Physical education excercises
nasl. v. pred. Dražan Ćurčić - Physical education excercises
nasl. v. pred. Goran Rogalo - Physical education excercises
nasl. v. pred. Joso Šarlija - Physical education excercises
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


The lecturer is not able to offer courses in English at this time.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Physical education excercises 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Adopt and apply motor abilities needed for effective maintaining and enhancing health and a better use of free time. Everyday motor exercises particularly in urgent situations and developing specific working abilities.
  1. Priručnik za Tjelovježbu; Kožulj, Nj. Ćurčić, D. Rogalo, G.; MORH, HVU "Petar Zrinski"; 2009
  2. Upute za vježanje na spravama; Šarlija, J. Vrkić, M.; MORH, HVU "Petar Zrinski"; 2010
  3. Osnove borilačkih sportova; Sertić, H.; Kineziološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu; 2001
  4. Upotreba zvonastih utega u kondicijskoj pripremi pripradnika OSRH; Hamer, B:; 2017
  5. Upute o savladavanju staza s pješačkim preprekama u OSRH; Križanić, A. Galić, T.; MORH; 2016
1. semester
Mandatory course - Mandatory study - Military Engineering
Mandatory course - Mandatory study - Military Leadership and Management
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